Last year, after series of solat Istikharah, I tendered my resignation from a permanent job at a prominent research institute. Some called me bold, some called me brave, some even called me stupid! But I was determined to leave simply to be with my husband. I know should I stay & be apart from my husband, I wouldn't be happy, no matter how much I was earning then. I then became a stay-at-home-wife for almost 3 months, a 'grace period' which I enjoyed & treasured much ;)
In October last year, I started my contract as a postdoc at the School of Medical Sciences, USM Health Campus Kubang Kerian. I wanted to learn something new, and being a postdoc would enable me to achieve that, besides adding a little bit more 'weight' to my CV. However, the downside with the contract was the salary that I'm earning now is 10% less than what I got before. Also, I'm not entitled to any salary increment according to the latest SSM salary scheme, besides not entitled to any bonuses. I ended up being underpaid! ;( But since my initial niat to become a postdoc is to gain knowledge & learn new things in a new field, I just pushed aside everything & carry on.
Starting from May this year, I was weighing my options: either to continue my contract as a postdoc (and ended up being underpaid for at least another year), or try applying for the post of university lecturer at USM. USM is my only option as I still want to be in Kelantan. UMK is not even an alternative as it 'rejected' me last year! But which School in USM, since the Health Campus Kubang Kerian has three different schools: Medical Sciences, Dental Sciences & Health Sciences. Alas, Allah made my choice easier, as I got to know that the School of Dental Sciences (PPSG) is looking for a lecturer in biochemistry. I tried my luck applying & went for an interview on the day of Nisfu Syaaban (5th July 2012). Alhamdulillah, on the 26th of Ramadhan, I got an email from the HR personnel at PPSG that I got the job & the official offer letter will be sent soon.
Finally, last week, on the 18th of Syawal, I got the offer letter. Alhamdulillah, I will be paid 26% from what I'm earning now, and 13% more than what I used to earn from my last job! Syukur Alhamdulillah dengan rezeki yang Allah beri! I still remember my husband's words before I quit my previous job: "InsyaAllah rezeki ada di mana-mana. Yakinlah dengan Allah." Indeed!
those who fear Allah, He (ever) prepares a way out. And He provides for him
from (sources) he never could imagine. And if any one puts his trust in Allah,
sufficient is (Allah) for him. Verily, for all things has Allah appointed a due
proportion.” (Surat at-Talaq, 65:2-3)
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