Alhamdulillah, InsyaAllah, in two days time, we will be granted the chance to meet up with Ramadhan again. For my husband & I, this will be our second Ramadhan in Kelantan. Last year I was a Stay-At-Home-Wife (SAHW), and I cooked almost everyday, except for the first 2-3 days of Ramadhan because we haven't got our gas connected to the stove yet & on 2 other days that we had iftar with my husband's office mates.
I truly enjoyed spending Ramadhan last year as a SAHW. Alhamdulillah, being a SAHW then, permitted me to spend my day time reciting the Quran, after every prayers, and I woke up for qiyammulail almost everyday, especially during the last 10 days of Ramadhan. I didn't really savour food from Pasar Ramadhan (PARAM), even when I was living in Cheras, cause to me, the food from PARAM normally tasted bland & blergh. I would only frequented PARAM for 3 special dishes: bubur lambuk, popia basah & tepung pelita. I normally cook during Ramadhan, be it only simple dishes. Being in Kelantan, with distinct palate & tastebud, my husband and I didn't even have the urge to go to PARAM last year! And of course, last year, we didn't have any bubur lambuk, popia basah & tepung pelita for iftar.
I still remember the Ramadhan of 2010, where my Mama & arwah Papa spent the whole Ramadhan @ PPUKM. I left the office at 5 pm sharp & literally 'berpencak silat' in the kitchen at home. I would then packed the dishes for my Mama & arwah Papa, and later, my husband & I would get in the car to send the food to them, and we would reached home for iftar just in time for the Maghrib adzan! It was tiring but rewarding, cause my food was cooked with care & love, and definitely, hygienic. This year will be our second Ramadhan without arwah Papa. Of course, during this special holy month that his absence is explicitly felt! When he was still alived, every Ramadhan, arwah Papa would fixed colourful lights around the front porch our house, and our house would be the brightest in the row! He would also be the one who bought Raya cookies, specially ordered from his old friend. Last year, our front porch was not the brightest, and we didn't order Raya cookies from his old friend. Al-fatihah to my dear Papa.
Sadness aside, here are a few pantuns that I penned down in less than an hour. They are definitely a reminder for me, and I sure do hope everyone would get something to ponder out of the pantuns. Wallahualam.
Ramadhan menjelang 2 hari lagi,
Mari kita muhasabah diri,
Bersungguh-sungguhkah kita selama ini?
Melakukan ibadah bekalan di akhirat nanti.
Ramadhan menjelang 2 hari lagi,
Tanamkanlah niat di dalam hati,
Beristiqamah mendirikan solat Tarawih dan solat malam hari,
Bertadarus Al-Quran, dan bersedekah, lazimkanlah diri.
Ramadhan menjelang 2 hari lagi,
Semoga disambut penuh kesyukuran dan keinsafan di hati,
Juga belajar mengekang nafsu diri,
Tidak membazir berbelanja di Pasar Ramadhan sesuka hati.
Ramadhan menjelang 2 hari lagi,
Sudah tentu Raya lambat lagi,
Janganlah asyik berfikir tentang kelengkapan duniawi,
Lailatul Qadar berusahalah kita jejaki.
Ramadhan menjelang 2 hari lagi,
Bersama-samalah kita berdoa kepada Ilahi,
Semoga ini bukan Ramadhan yang terakhir sekali,
Supaya berpeluang bertemu Ramadhan lagi.
Ramadhan menjelang 2 hari lagi,
Peringatan ini untuk diri sendiri,
Andai terasa, saya menyusun sepuluh jari,
Kekhilafan diri harap dimaafi.
Ramadhan Kareem to everyone!
C'est la vie!
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