Today is already the 1st day of the year 2012. How time flies, especially when you are having a good time. 2011 was definitely a year to remember, personally. I quit a relatively good job, with a relatively good income, at a relatively 'renown' work place. For making such a major decision in my life, some people called me stupid, some said I was not thinking straight, some questioned: What was she thinking. But, it's my life, so I shun other people's opinions & sought for Allah's guidance & blessing through solat & doa. It was not really difficult to come up with the decision, not after what I went through @ my previous work place. But I was quite tormented to leave my family behind. If only Pengkalan Chepa & Sg Buloh is nearby! Although 'now everybody can fly' with you-know-who, it's still not easy to fly on monthly basis, not with the unnecessary stress that the airline put me through by its delay antics & with the heavy workloads that I'm currently shouldering.
2011 was the year when someone very senior at my previous work place told me that I lack the 'craziness' to be a reseacher, but yet, I was the only one amongst my colleagues who succeeded in securing an Exploratory Research Grant Scheme (ERGS). Ironically, despite her upsetting remarks, I'm still working as a researcher, writing more & more research proposals that I can ever imagine & assisting in supervising a larger number of postgraduate students than before. And, yes, InsyaAllah, I'll be writing one @ 2 good paper/s with my name as the 1st author.
2011 was the year Mr AHAH & I relocated to Kelantan, and Pengkalan Chepa is our current home. In our almost 11 years of being married, this is the first time I moved out of KL/Selangor to follow Mr AHAH, though he had been transferred to Kuching & Langkawi before. Alhamdulillah, adjusting to life in Pengkalan Chepa is almost breezy. We are enjoying our less hectic lifestyle here, though I do miss my lifestyle back in KL/Selangor, especially during the weekends. (Our activities then during weekends: Window shopped at different shopping complexes, tried out varieties of food at numerous restaurants & watched movies at the cinemas, and of course.... spending time with my nieces & nephew)
Mr AHAH praying in our empty rented unit in Cheras, July 2011 |
2011 marked a year of my family members & I survived without my Papa. It's still heartbreaking for all of us, especially for my Mama. But, we coped & managed & InsyaAllah, we will continue to cope & manage. Papa's memories live in our heart forever & our doas to him will never ceased, InsyaAllah. Our family lost our patriarch, 3 days shy of Papa's a year of death. Tok Abah, Papa's father, was 91. I strongly believe, he was silently missing his only son & thinking about him too much until he suffered a stroke on Aidiladha's eve.
Papa, with his two grand daughters on his last Aidilfitri with us, Sept 2010 |
2011 also was the year that we parted from our dear old family home in Klang. Eventhough my Mama & my sister's family moved into the current family home in June 2010, the Klang house was still ours to go to, whenever want to (especially if we want to get stuffs that had yet to be brought to Sg Buloh). We have been trying to sell the house ever since we moved out, but we have yet to get a buyer. But today, 1/1/12, the house keys will be handed to a new tenant- my dear old friend from my uni days @ UWA. She will be renting our house for at least a year, until we get a buyer. Who would have thought? My uni friend would end up renting my family home.... The house was very nostalgic to all of us, it was our 'home' for 28 years! There were memories written on every nooks & crannies of the house, literally. It's even more nostalgic to me: It was the house where Mr AHAH & I got married! And now it's no longer ours to go home to.
Mr AHAH & my brother in law, in front of my family home in Klang on 26/12/2011 |
2011 also was the year that I found my passion in baking. I've been baking almost every weekend ever since I 1st started in November. Mind you, all the recipes that I tried were easy-peasy & I'm no where near all the baking gurus who had carved their names online. Interestingly, I started my baking journey this year with a scone, and ended up with a scone too, despite using two different recipes!
Above: Scone, 25/11/2011; Below: Featherlight scone, 31/12/2011 |
And finally, 2011 was the year I started blogging, although I've been contemplating the idea of doing so for years. I truly wish I would have time & drive to continue writing entries in this blog this 2012. I hope I'd be able to capture all the bittersweet moments in 2012 in the form of blog entries... InsyaAllah.
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